• Taking Care in Winter Weather

    The onset of winter does not signal the end of exercise and outdoors activities. There's plenty of skiing and snowboarding available in the Northeast, the American Rockies, across Canada, and even in Southern California. For those who like their exercise with less dramatic velocity and acceleration,

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  • Cold Snap

    As the weather turns colder, our metabolism begins to slow ever so noticeably. This change is nature’s design to synchronize our systems with the world around us and conserve resources. Instead of pitting ourselves against the laws of nature, it's a much wiser course of action to do our best to align

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  • Chiropractic Facts and Figures

    As evidence supporting the effectiveness of chiropractic continues to emerge, consumers are turning in record numbers to chiropractic care — a preventive, non-surgical, drug-free treatment option. Just a few interesting facts on this increasingly popular form of health care:

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  • Backpack Misuse & Chronic Back Pain

    Back pain is pervasive among American adults, but a new and disturbing trend is emerging. Young children are suffering from back pain much earlier than previous generations, and the use of overweight backpacks is a contributing factor, according to the American Chiropractic Association

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  • BACK To The Stats

    Although doctors of chiropractic (DCs) care for more than just back pain, many patients visit DCs looking for relief from this pervasive condition. Thirty-one million Americans have low back pain at any given time (1). One half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms each year

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12:30 pm-5:30 pm


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12:30 pm-5:30 pm


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Serving Merrillville, Gary, Hobart and Crown Point for over 28 years.